Summer Bike Tour: Stewarding Waterways
This event has ended. It was scheduled for 7/14/2022.
5:30 p.m. Thursday, July 14
Meet at the Anchorage Museum LawnIn-Person Event
Strong communities in the Upper Cook Inlet have always depended on healthy waterways. Join us on a bike tour of waterways in downtown and west Anchorage and hear about how water has been stewarded, shaped, and transformed by original Dena’ina cultures and the urban development of today.
Attendees will hear from Aaron Leggett, senior curator of Alaska History and Culture and president of the Native Village of Eklutna, and Friends of Fish Creek, a local nonprofit organization advocating to acknowledge Fish Creek's cultural significance and restore its wild salmon habitat through daylighting.
Free. Tour begins at the Anchorage Museum and covers four to eight miles; may not be suitable for all riders. Meet at 5 p.m., ride begins at 5:30 p.m. (rain or shine). A partnership with Bike Anchorage.
Part of the “Water Moves Life” project. Made possible, in part, with support from the Visionary Initiatives in Art (VIA) Fund and the National Endowment for the Arts.