Teens Taking Climate Action
Explore climate-action information and resources developed by teens here.
2021 Teens for Climate Action Summit
The Anchorage Museum partnered with the Smithsonian Institution to bring together teens and experts for a deep dive into climate change impacts and problem solving happening in Anchorage. Our Teen Climate Action Advisory Group helped plan and lead the Jan. 23-23, 2021 summit which resulted in virtual teen climate action projects completed throughout Spring 2021. Read about Teen Climate Action Summit outcomes in the museum blog.
Smithsonian Learning Lab
The Anchorage Museum is featured as a case study on the “Earth Optimism Youth Action” Smithsonian Learning Lab, a resource for educators interested in mentoring teens taking environmental action.
Arctic Arts Summit Youth Gallery
The Spring 2022 cohort created artwork and reflection exhibited at the Yukon Arts Centre as part of the Arctic Arts Summit Youth Gallery. The exhibition was titled 61.2162° N, 149.8856° W: A Land Like No Other. The teens created the content based off their experience with Teen Climate Communicators— journals prompts, artwork, etc.
Articles by teens
Edible Alaska, August 2021: One Bucket at a Time
Little Libraries
In Spring 2023, the Anchorage Museum hosted nine teenagers from high schools in the Anchorage School District as Teen Climate Communicators. The teens were tasked with putting together a free little lending library at this gathering. Little lending libraries are free book exchanges in set locations around a city. Each library invites the public to ‘take a book, leave a book.’ Free little lending libraries can take many shapes and forms but are typically small wooden boxes designed to resemble miniature houses. READ MORE ON OUR BLOG