Online Resources

The Anchorage Museum offers a range of online resources and publications to support your teaching. These resources are designed for classroom teaching, home learning, and museum visit preparation. 

To explore lesson plans and tools for teaching and learning about Alaska and the North click on the items below.

Select items from the drop down boxes below to see relevant course material, or search for material.

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Alaska Salmon, Migration, and Immigration

Explore 2 primary sources to learn about how salmon canneries have influenced Alaska Native land and harvesting rights, and impacted human migration and immigration in Alaska with 2nd-12th grade students and up.

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Anchorage: Maps and Place Names

Explore 4 primary sources to learn about Anchorage and its place names through photographs and maps with 2nd-12th grade students.

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Art in Objects: Peg Calendars

Examine the objects, peg calendars, with 12th grade students.

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Art: Attungaruk the Third’s Whale

Examine the artwork Attungaruk the Third’s Whale by Simon Koonook with 11th grade students.

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Art: Blueberries

Examine the artwork Blueberries by James Robert Schoppert for 9th-12th students.

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Art: Denali/Denial

Examine the artwork Denali/Denial by Chris Jordan with 7th grade students.


Art: Everything I Love Is Here

Examine the artwork Everything I Love is Here by Alvin Amason with 1st grade students.

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Art: Float

Examine the artworks Float (Slip) & Float (Noatak) by John Grade with 8th grade students.

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Art: Marie Rexford

Examine the artwork Marie Rexford by Brian Adams for Kindergarten or 9th-12th grade students.


Art: Muir Glacier

Examine the artwork Muir Glacier by Thomas Hill with 3rd grade students.


Art: Neqeniighta

Examine the artwork Neqeniighta by James Temte, Michelle Xiao, and Jon Burpee with 6th grade students.


Art: Punk Nanuk Inua

Examine the artwork Punk Nanuk Inua by Lawrence James Beck with 4th grade students.


Art: Radio Babies

Examine the artwork Radio Babies by George Ahgupuk with 5th grade students.

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Art: The Col

Examine the artwork The Col by Bill Brody with 10th grade students.

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Art: Unloading

Examine the artwork Unloading by Rie Muñoz with 9th grade students.


Art: Women of the North

Examine the Women of the North series by Rebecca Lyon with 2nd grade students.

Art of the North gallery


Explore the idea of belonging through artworks created by artists who have made Alaska their home with K-12th grade students.


Bowhead Whale

Dive into the objects and ideas connected to the bowhead whale with 3rd-12th grade students.

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Citizen Science: Repeat Photography

Learn about repeat photography and then be a citizen scientist by participating in the Anchorage Museum’s repeat photography project.

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CoLab: Button Making

Learn how to create homemade buttons with this step-by-step guide. Show your passions with custom buttons.

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CoLab: Embroidery

Learn basic embroidery techniques using this step-by-step guide. Includes two sampler projects and guides for nine beginner embroidery stitches.

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CoLab: Japanese Stab Softcover

Learn basic Japanese Stab bookbinding techniques with our step-by-step guide. Includes Binding Patterns for three journal styles.

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CoLab: Pom-Poms

Learn how to make Pom-pom at home using simple materials. Step by step instructions provided.

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CoLab: Seed Starts

Build an Eco-friendly pot out of newspaper and use it to grow your food. Learn the basics of seed starting at home with step by step instructions.



Explore objects, images and ideas connected to surviving and thriving in the North with K-12th grade students.

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Contemporary Identities

Learn more about contemporary artists who examine identity through their artworks with 9th-12th grade students.

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Dena'ina Word of the Week

Increasing exposure to the Dena’ina language to all who are curious, one word at a time.

Dena'ina Plant Guide

Dena’ina Plant Deck

Learn some Dena’ina words and uses for plants found throughout the Dena’ina homeland.



Learn about the impacts of earthquakes on landscapes and communities by analyzing primary sources from the Anchorage Museum’s archives with 5th-12th grade students.



Learn about the practice of foraging and related museum objects with 2nd-12th grade students.


General Public Visitor Study Guide

Share this guide with anyone to let them know what to expect when they visit the museum as a member of the public.

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Home Trash Audit

Perform a trash and recycling audit using the Anchorage Museum Trash Audit guide.



Use this book with K-12th grade students to explore the I AM INUIT exhibition.


Marine Tank Guide

Learn about the Anchorage Museum’s Marine Tank and the animals that call it home.


Northern Waters

Dive into the northern waters of Alaska with K-12th grade students.



Listen to short audio clips where artists, scholars, and educators reflect on museum objects related to celebration from the Alaska Exhibition and Art of the North Galleries.


School Field Trip Visitor Story Guide

Share this guide with students to let them know what to expect on their museum field trip.

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Science Passport: Ground Exploration

Learn about the details waiting to be observed in ground outside your home with activities that will connect with the Anchorage Museum’s Science Passport: Home Edition.

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Science Passport: Home Edition

Explore the world of science in and around your home. Use this passport to mark the scientific adventures you discover in your everyday spaces.


Science Passport: Objects in Drawers

Use objects found inside your drawers in creative ways with activities that will connect with the Anchorage Museum’s Science Passport: Home Edition.


Science Passport: Sink – Properties of Water

Learn about the properties of water at home with activities that will connect with the Anchorage Museum’s Science Passport: Home Edition.

Science Passport Window Phenology

Science Passport: Window Phenology

Learn about the environment outside your window and the study of phenology with activities that will connect with the Anchorage Museum’s Science Passport: Home Edition.

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Sensory-Friendly and Access Morning Story Guide

Share this guide with anyone attending a Sensory-Friendly and Access Morning at the museum.


Shaawatke’é’s Birth: Language, Identity, and Art

Examine the relationship of language, culture, and identity through the poem Shaawatke’é’s Birth by Emily Wall and X’unei Lance Twitchell and works of art from the Anchorage Museum with 9th-12th grade students.

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Sounds of Your Place

Discover the sounds of your place by listening outside and learning about soundscape ecology.

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Stargazing at Home

Stargazing at Home is a blog that brings space and astronomy news to you.

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Stars: Interdisciplinary Exploration

Discover the art, science, navigation, and astrophotography of stars with 6-8th grade students.


Translated Museum Maps

Share these maps with anyone who would benefit in a museum map in one of the nine languages provided.


Twenty Questions

Delve deeply by using this deck of twenty questions to ask any museum object with K-12th grade students.


What We Eat

Explore objects and ideas connected to foodways in the North with K-12th grade students.

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Letters of the North

Explore 2 primary sources to learn about how people stay connected in the North through objects from the museum collection with 2nd-12th grade students.

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Virtual Field Trips On-Demand

Explore the museum with these virtual field trip videos and supporting resources.

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CoLab: Cardstock Roses

Learn how to create simple cardstock roses. Experiment with various sizes and colors of paper to create a beautiful paper flower bouquet.

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CoLab: Crepe Paper Roses

Learn how to create crepe paper roses with this step-by-step guide. Perfect for a single lasting rose or creating entire bouquets.

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CoLab: French Link Binding

Learn how to bind a beautiful hardcover journal with an exposed ribbon binding with these step-by-step instructions.

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CoLab: Paper Baskets

Learn how to make colorful paper baskets using simple materials with these step-by-step instructions.

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CoLab: Paper Quilling

Learn the basics of paper quilling. Combine the shapes and techniques to create your own beautiful paper quilled cards and art.

CoLab Plant Hanger

CoLab: Plant Hanger

Learn how to make plant hanger using macramé techniques and hang your favorite plant in your favorite spot in this step-by-step guide.

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CoLab: Smythe Binding

Learn the basics of Smythe binding. Create your own custom hardcover journal to fill with your thoughts, stories, or drawings.

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CoLab: Weaving

Learn how to warp a loom and some basic weaving techniques to get you started on your first decorative weaving project.

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CoLab: Paper Circuit

Learn how an electrical circuit works and create your own paper circuit using colorful LEDs, a coin cell battery, and copper tape on a regular paper.

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CoLab: String Art

Create animal-inspired art using the following simple materials: foam board, push pins, and colored string.

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Learning Lab

Teach and learn from over 30 digital education collections from the Smithsonian.

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Colors of the Aurora

Examine the untitled artwork by Carl Saxild with K-6th grade students.

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Extra Tough: Reclaiming Identity Through Art

Investigate the artworks Native Looking by Erica Lord and Wat'sa with a Pearl Earring by Alison Bremner. Intended for ages 12 and up.

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Grandfather Hemlock

Examine Grandfather Hemlock with K-6th students

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Extra Tough: Leadership and Activism by Women of the North

Investigate primary sources to examine leadership and activism by women who have helped shape Alaska and the North. Intended for ages 12 and up.

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Alaska Children's Trust Materials for Caregivers & Educators

Engage in activities to prepare children and families for conversations surrounding care and safety. The materials included through the Alaska Children’s Trust are intended for caregivers and educators.

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Chugachmiut Heritage Kits

Learn about Chugach Region, its people, the Sugt’stun language, and the Sugpiaq and Eyak Cultures; through Chugachmiut’s online PreK-12 Curriculum, Elder Interviews, How-to Videos, and Resources page.

Teens Take Action

Teens Taking Climate Action

Learn about climate action work teens are doing with support from the Anchorage Museum Education Team.


Words and Sounds for Our Northern Place

Explore 4 primary resources with 9th-12th grade students through interactive activities that will engage students to consider their connection to the land and the importance of place.

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A Moment in Time: ANCSA

Investigate primary sources to examine the events surrounding the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA). Intended for ages 12 and up.

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Soundscape: Intro to Sound

Examine the scientific field of soundscape ecology and how to utilize the sense of hearing to better understand natural environments.

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Soundscape: Sense of Place

Discover the concept of of sense of place through the use of the five sense.

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Soundscape: Art and Sound

Discover the scientific field of soundscape ecology with visual arts by examining visual representations of the dynamic soundscapes of Alaska.

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Soundscape: Sound Analysis

Examine the concept of sound analysis by exploring tools and techniques which help break down the information in recorded sound data.

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Soundscape: Summer

Examine the seasonal aspect of summer soundscapes and how those soundscapes are impacted by noise.

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Use this booklet with 4th-12th grade students to learn about stewardship and how it is integral to the Dena’ina culture.

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Cultural Arts: Adornment

Investigate Dene adornment practices through objects from the Anchorage Museum, videos from Indigenous knowledge holders, and culturally appropriate art-making. Grades 6-12.

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Drums of Alaska

Investigate Lingít and Iñupiaq drums and investigate their sounds with K-6th students.


Portable Instruments

Examine portable instruments with K-6th grade students.


View Musical Soundscapes

Investigate Glacier Bay Ice by Byron Birdsall and investigate musical soundscapes with K-6th students.

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Cultural Arts: Sewing

Investigate sewing tools and techniques used in Alaska Native cultures through objects from the Anchorage Museum, resources from Indigenous knowledge holders, and culturally appropriate art-making. Grades 6-12.

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Cultural Arts: Baleen & Scrimshaw

Investigate baleen objects and scrimshaw techniques used in Alaska Native cultures and develop scrimshaw skills with grades 6-12.

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Cultural Arts: Woodcarving

Investigate woodcarving tools and techniques used in Alaska Native cultures through objects from the Anchorage Museum, resources from Indigenous knowledge holders, and culturally appropriate art-making. Grades 6-12.

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BLINK at Home: Sound Maps

Investigate sound with your favorite Dolly Parton's Imagination Library books and this activity from Best Beginnings and the Anchorage Museum.

Alaska Is: How Water is Life Thumbnail

Alaska Is: How Water is Life

Investigate the importance of water through photographs from the Anchorage Museum through activities in Social Studies, Science, and Language Arts. Grades 6-8.

Alaska Is: What Nourishes Us Thumbnail

Alaska Is: What Nourishes Us

Investigate what nourishes us through photographs and activities in Social Studies, Science, and Language Arts. Grades 6-8.

Measuring & Symmetry Thumb

Cultural Arts: Measuring & Symmetry

Investigate measuring techniques and approaches to symmetry used in Alaska Native cultures with grades 6-12.


Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act: ANCSA

Learn about the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) through individual perspectives.

Alaska Is: How We Work With Each Other Thumb

Alaska Is: How We Work With Each Other

Learn about some of Alaska’s largest industries and the work conditions surrounding them with grades 6-8.

Alaska Is: What We Value Thumbnail

Alaska Is: What We Value

Examine how we value land, identity, and what we do. Intended for K-5th grades.

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Alaska Is: How We Learn

Examine the different ways in which we learn through photos and activities. Grades K-5.

Alaska Is: How We Act Thumbnail

Alaska Is: How We Act

Engage and examine the ways in which we behave and take action as communities by close-looking at photos from the Anchorage Museum collection and History and Language Arts activities. Grades 9-12.

Music: Alaska Drum Types Thumb

Music: Alaska Drum Types

Learn more about Alaska Native drum types by close-looking at objects from the Anchorage Museum collection. Grades K-2.

Alaska Is How We Live With Each Other Journey Thumb

Alaska Is: How We Live With Each Other - Journey

Learn more about Alaska and its place before and during the Great Migration by close-looking at photos from the Anchorage Museum collection and through History, Alaska Studies, and Language Arts activities. Grades 9-12.

Alaska Is How We Live With Each Other Justice Thumb

Alaska Is: How We Live With Each Other - Justice

Learn more about Black civil rights in Alaska, activism efforts, and representation by close-looking at photos from the Anchorage Museum collection and History and Language Arts activities. Grades 9-12.

Alaska Is How We Live With Each Other Joy Thumb

Alaska Is: How We Live With Each Other - Joy

Learn more about the community of Eastchester Flats and Black joy in Alaska by close-looking at photos from the Anchorage Museum collection and Language Arts activities. Grades 9-12.


Alaska Native Language Posters

View and listen to posters in various Alaska Native languages. For learners of all ages.

Music: Rhythm Thumb

Music: Rhythm

Learn about the role of rhythm in Alaska Native cultures with grades K-2.

Music: Composing An Original Song Thumb

Music: Composing an Original Song

Collaborate with one another to learn about composing original music. Grades 2-4.

Music: Musical Diffusion Thumb

Music: Musical Diffusion

Explore the means and methods of cultural diffusion and its impacts on the contemporary musical styles across the state. Grades 2-4.

Music: Musical Exchange in Alaska Thumb

Music: Musical Exchange in Alaska

Learn more about the transformation of music and culture in Alaska. Grades 4-6.

Music: Percussive Qualities Thumb

Music: Percussive Qualities

Explore advanced rhythm and sound using simple percussion instruments such as drums and rattles with grades K-2.

Music: Theme, Mood, and Tone Thumb

Music: Theme, Mood, and Tone

Explore concepts of conveying mood and emotion through close-looking and writing. Grades 4-6

Redefining the Alaskan Narrative: Personhood thumb

Redefining the Alaskan Narrative: Personhood

Reflect on what makes us people through close-looking at objects from the Anchorage Museum collection and through introspective activities. Grades K-5

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Redefining the Alaskan Narrative: Nonlinear Storytelling

Explore the different ways to tell a story through close-looking at objects from the Anchorage Museum collection and through creative comic book creation. Grades 6-12

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