
Stars: Interdisciplinary Exploration

Using Anchorage Museum artwork and existing online resources, students explore the story of stars through the lens of science, navigation, and as inspiration for art. Although designed to be completed at home or in informal learning environments, teachers can adapt lessons for their classes.

This interdisciplinary series is divided into five units that each include multiple activities. Challenge Activity Sheets (along with answers) accompany each unit to guide learners through the activities. A suggested order is indicated by unit numbers, but units can be completed independently from one another. Activities within each unit should be completed in order.

All lesson materials can be printed on 8.5 x 11” paper.

Recommended grade level: 6th-8th.

Learning objectives are included in each Unit.

Resource Information


6 7 8


Science Arts English Language Arts History and Social Studies


Astronomy Art and Artists Geography Visual Literacy

Field Trips

View the Moon Over Matanuska image (Activity 1) and Night Sky image (Activity 3)

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