
Music: Rhythm

Learn about the role of rhythm in Alaska Native cultures through close-looking at objects from the Anchorage Museum collection and through a word-based-rhythm activity. Grades K-2

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Kindergarten 1 2



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MU:Cr1-1a With some guidance, create musical ideas (e.g. question and answer) for specific purpose
MU:Cr1-1b With some guidance, generate musical ideas in multiple tonalities (major and minor) and meters
(duple and triple)
MU:Cr2-1a With some guidance, demonstrate and discuss personal reasons for selecting musical ideas
representing expressive intent
MU:CR2-1b With some guidance, use iconic or standard notation and/or recording technology to document
and organize personal musical ideas
MU:Pr4.2-1a With some guidance, demonstrate knowledge of music concepts (beat, melodic contour) in music
from a variety of cultures, selected for performance
MU:Pr4.2-1b When analyzing selected music, read and perform rhythmic patterns using iconic or standard
MU:Pr5-1 a. With some guidance, apply personal, teacher, and peer feedback to refine performances


Visual Literacy

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