
Music: Musical Diffusion

Explore the history of music in Alaska, examining the means and methods of cultural diffusion and its impacts on the contemporary musical styles across the state by close-looking at three objects from the Anchorage Museum collection and by creating and exchanging made music.

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MU:RE7a-4 Explain how selected music connects to and is influenced by specific interests, experiences or purposes
MU:RE7b-4 Demonstrate and explain how responses to music are informed by the structure, use of the elements of music, context (personal, cultural, social)
MU:PR4-a Demonstrate and explain how the selection of music to perform is influenced by personal interest, cultural background, knowledge, context, and technical skill
MU:PR4-b Explain how context (social and cultural) informs a performance
MU:CR1-4a . Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas, and explain connection to specific purpose and context (personal and social/cultural)
MU:CR1-4b b. Generate musical ideas (rhythms, melodies, and simple accompaniment patterns) within related tonalities (major and minor) and meters
MU:CR2-4a Demonstrate selected and organized musical ideas for improvisation, arrangement, or composition to express intent and explain connection to purpose/context.
MU:CR2-4b Use standard or iconic notation and/or recording technology to document personal rhythmic, melodic, and simple harmonic musical ideas


Visual Literacy Alaska Native Cultures Alaska History

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