
Alaska Is: How Water is Life

Investigate the importance of water through photographs from the Anchorage Museum and activities in Social Studies, Science, and Language Arts with grades 6-8.

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Culturally Responsive English Language Arts History and Social Studies Science

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Alaska Science Standards:
MS-PS1-4 Develop a model that predicts and describes changes in particle motion, temperature, and state of a pure substance when thermal energy is added or removed.

Alaska History Standards:
B.1.b comprehend the forces of change and continuity that shape human history through the following persistent organizing theme human: communities and their relationships with climate, subsistence base, resources, geography, and technology
B.3 recognize that historical understanding is relevant and valuable in the student’s life and for participating in local, state, national, and global communities
C.4 use historical perspective to solve problems, make decisions, and understand other traditions

Alaska Geography Standards:
A.5 evaluate the importance of the locations of human and physical features in interpreting geographic patterns
B.7 understand that a region is a distinct area defined by one or more cultural or physical features
C.3 recognize the concepts used in studying environments and recognize the diversity and productivity of different regional environments.
E. a student should understand and be able to evaluate how humans and physical environments interact.
F. utilize geographic knowledge and skills to support interdisciplinary learning and build competencies required of citizens.


Alaska History Visual Literacy Alaska Native Cultures

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