Unipkaaġusiksuġuvik (the place of the future/ancient)
On view Oct. 10, 2016 — Nov. 11, 2016
This multimedia installation and two-month performance by Anchorage-based Iñupiaq artist Allison Akootchook Warden takes the form of an Iñupiat ceremonial qargi. Warden’s version is a futuristic recreation of a ceremonial house, where she allows her audience to gently explore these spaces in a contemporary context. Warden describes the ceremonial space as existing “in the space of where the hyper-future meets the super-ancient, a liminal space where myths are born and the Eagle Mother is honored with ceremony and dance.”
Warden will host a series of special events throughout the exhibition, including a recurring “talk show” with special guests, a weekly moose hide nametag workshop in October, and an Iñupiat Church Service.