Alaskans and Salmon
On view May 3, 2019 — Jan 19, 2020
This multi-media exhibition celebrates salmon culture in Alaska in its many forms, from commercial, subsistence and sport fishing to processing, preserving and eating. Salmon are embedded in the lifeways and economy of Alaska, and the human relationship to this wild resource is complex, personal and deeply felt. Visitors to this exhibition will get a taste of how Alaskans experience, share and savor the presence of salmon in their lives.
Alaskans and Salmon is presented in conjunction with The Salmon Project, a non-partisan effort to bring together diverse Alaskans to raise awareness of and sustain Alaska’s wild salmon for its economic, social, cultural and ecological values.
Find cookbooks featuring salmon recipes and craft items made from salmon in the Museum Store
Search the museum collection for objects made with or inspired by salmon
Watch a video about fish skin sewing
View a photo of and learn about a spruce wood and root fish trap