
Issue 01

Chatter Marks - Issue 01

Chatter Marks is a journal of the Anchorage Museum, dedicated to creative and critical thinking about the circumpolar North. The title Chatter Marks is inspired by a geological phenomenon—chatter marks are series of often crescent-shaped gauges chipped out of the bedrock as a glacier drags rock fragments underneath it. Present since the last ice age, most of the world’s glaciers are now shrinking or disappearing altogether as the climate gets warmer. As they mark the passage of deep time, our landscapes are also indicators of our tomorrow. Chatter Marks is published three times annually, with occasional special-topic editions in addition to the seasonal issues. It is a way to explore radically new modes of thinking and responding to our collective futures. In assembling the issues of this journal, we seek to gather a rich community of thinkers, creative practitioners, and changemakers to focus on vision.

Chatter Marks is distributed in collaboration with the Arctic Institute.

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