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February 23, 2022

A.Kingdom Project is viewable as a video projection on the Anchorage Museum façade sunset to midnight through Feb. 28. It features a collection of works by Anchorage-based artist Justin DeWolf. The digital images are drawn from the artist’s original acrylic-on-wood artworks. DeWolf describes these images as Alaska animals as they appear during phases of spiritual reawakening, highlighting the journey and process between death and life.

Anchorage Museum: Tell us about A.Kingdom

Justin DeWolf: The A.Kingdom Project originally was just a series of artworks that I created for a showcase a few years ago. These works were my way to expand my art stylings. I created a minimalist series of Alaskan animal designs in a new art style for me.

AM: How or why did you choose this project when considering how artwork evolves in the digital age?

JD: I choose this project for the museum because the minimalist nature of the art lent itself well towards being redesigned in three dimensions digitally. Also, the project is an evolving series that I feel can help connect communities in the future.

AM: How have your life experiences influenced your artwork?

JD: My life here in Alaska has been a huge influence on my art. I recreate the beauty of this state in all my works. I light up the darker notions of Alaska via my own life experiences.

AM: Where do you see your artwork going from here?

JD: Over the next few years I plan to grow my brand and push my art in more communities, also expanding the network connections I have created with several other artists and businesses. I want to create more visually unique content that shows the beauty of my home.

AM: What does it mean for you to be creating relevant artwork in Anchorage, Alaska, right now?

JD: I’ve lived and created artwork in downtown Anchorage, Alaska, for over a decade now and having the opportunity to create content for the Anchorage Museum is an amazing thing for the art community. This state needs more people to create and showcase artworks. Being able to show my work in this way has helped to inspire others to create in new ways and that means to world to me. I do this for Alaska!

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