October 26, 2020
ANCHORAGE, AK – The Anchorage Museum announces the artists participating in Alaska Biennial 2020. The Alaska Biennial is organized by the Anchorage Museum and celebrates place through the lens of contemporary art. Alaska Biennial participants are Alaska-based contemporary artists exploring the North, its people, histories, and landscapes through a variety of media. The 2020 edition of the Alaska Biennial comes at a time of massive social and ecological change, and artists respond accordingly, reflecting their visions for the future.
The exhibition’s call for entries drew 444 submissions from 129 artists. From these submissions, 127 works were selected representing each artist that submitted to the call and met the qualifications for the exhibition. Works include drawing, painting, mixed media, craft, jewelry, fiber art, visual art, metalsmithing, printmaking, encaustic, ceramic, book/paper arts, photography and sculpture.
The exhibition is on view at the Anchorage Museum Nov. 6, 2020, through April 4, 2021.
Alaska Biennial is made possible with the support from Alaska State Council on the Arts, National Endowment for the Arts, Municipality of Anchorage, Anchorage Museum Association, and Anchorage Museum Foundation Alaska Airlines Silver Anniversary Fund.
The largest museum in Alaska, the Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center tells the story of the North by connecting people, expanding perspectives and encouraging global dialogue about the North and its distinct environment. Learn more at www.anchoragemuseum.org.
Image: On the Root Glacier by Kathy Smith.
Indra Arriaga Delgado, Anchorage
Other People's Dreams
Oil, wax, gel transfer, pencil on canvas
Terri Atwell, Anchorage
Changing Landscape
Karl Becker, Cordova
Red-Necked Grebe with Young in Gold
Watercolor and gold leaf
Susan Biggs, Soldotna
Roof Dwellers
Pigment inkjet print
Beth Blankenship, Anchorage
2020 Commemorative Pin
Fabric, beads, metal, thread
Kayo Bogdan, Anchorage
You Are Missed
Keith Boggs, Anchorage
Muskox Thrive on Arctic Sedges Over Basalt
Oil on canvas
Talia Bowles, Anchorage
Beautiful Straight Jacket
Honore Buckley, Anchorage
Barnacle Ferns
Beads, thread
Jean Bundy, Anchorage
Paradox of Productivity
Acrylic on canvas
Melanie Burns, Anchorage
Lake Reflections
Acrylic on canvas
Sharlene Cline, Homer
Meteorite Peak
Watercolor, ink, rice paper on acrylic
Michael Conti, Anchorage
The People
Giclee print
Katie Ione Craney, Haines
Hearing Loss
Mixed media
Mike Criss, Wasilla
Star Trails
Digital canvas print
Lloyd Crow, Anchorage
Fracking - The Second Coming of Krakatoa
Mixed media
Carol Cunningham Turner, Eagle River
Archival inkjet print
Bob Curtis-Johnson, Anchorage
Giclee print
Jonathan Daining, Anchorage
Kachemak Bay
Oil on canvas
Graham Dane, Anchorage
Instructions for Travelling Inwards
Acrylic and mixed media on vinyl
Monica Daugherty, Juneau
Oil on canvas
Gail Davidson, Fairbanks
It's a Dog's Life
Wool on linen
Don Decker, Anchorage
An Arctic Circle
Colored pencil and graphite pencil on paper
Alanna DeRocchi, Anchorage
Mixed media
Debbie Dubac, Anchorage
Stare at the Fire (fireweed)
Acrylic on board
Suzanne Dvorak, Anchorage
Dory Story
Mixed media on wood
Bob Eastaugh, Anchorage
Golden Hour
Digital C print
Daniel Firmin, Juneau
The Decolonizer
Copper with baleen and sinew
Colleen Firmin Thomas, Fairbanks
I Will Keep the Score
Mixed media
Jimmie Froehlich, Anchorage
La Source - Falls Creek Falls
Oil on tarpaper
Dan Fruits, Juneau
Snow Patterns 2
Oil on canvas
Hal Gage, Anchorage
Population Explosion
Pigment ink transfer
Ray Gamradt, Palmer
Learning to Read
Charcoal on board
June Gerteisen, Palmer
Frost Heave
Acrylic on canvas
Stephen Gerteisen, Palmer
Piece of Artist #1
Acrylic on canvas
Jo Going and Connie Stricks, Homer and Fairbanks
Watercolor on paper on board
K N Goodrich, Anchorage
Rainy Day Memories (Juneau)
Pastel, watercolor, digital print
Robert Green, Anchorage
An Unexpected View
Oil on canvas
Sanjana Greenhill, Anchorage
The Confluence
Pigment inkjet print
Becky Grunder, Anchorage
Horizon #44
Acrylic on canvas
Anya Gudimova, Anchorage
Counting Petals
Oil on canvas
Somer Hahm, Fairbanks
Friendship Link
Acrylic on canvas
Hans Hallinen, Anchorage
Nebulous White SW7063
Mixed media
Nancy Hausle Johnson, Fairbanks
Northern Take Off
Kelly Hebert, Anchorage
Ramen Bowl
Jessie Hedden, Fairbanks
Pallet Sculpture
Kelley Hegarty Lammers, Fairbanks
Oil on canvas
Yuliya Helgesen-Thompson, Anchorage
Reflection of Last Summer
Oil on canvas
Mary Henrikson, Ward Cove
Mychillium II
Oil on canvas
Lily Hope, Juneau
BLM Allies Armband
Merino wool and cedar bark
Rhonda Horton, Wasilla
Solitary Sandpiper
Solarplate intaglio monotype
Steve Hyams, Anchorage
Lower Kisaralik Falls
Gouache on paper
Elizabeth Irving, Fairbanks
Plan Your House So Carefully
Ink on paper
Brenda Jaeger, Anchorage
As the Tundra Melts
Acrylic on canvas
Matt Johnson, Anchorage
Field Jacket 3
Pigment inkjet print
Rachael Juzeler, Douglas
Pears [Grandma's & Duane's]
Mixed media
Alyson Kennard, Anchorage
Hide and Seek
Oil on wood
Margo Klass, Fairbanks
Beaver Creek
Mixed media
Susan LaGrande, Anchorage
Tide Pool and Sea Squirts
Metal, glass beads
Carol Lambert, Anchorage
Icarus in the Arctic
Robert LaMontagne, Fairbanks
Temporal Curve
Glass, wood, steel
Sylvia Lange, Cordova
Harbor Under Quarantine Flag
Acrylic on linen
Cat Larrea, Anchorage
Meares Glacier
Stephen Lawrie, Sitka
Father and Daughter (end of a long trip)
Acrylic on canvas
Kara Lewandowski, Anchorage
Before it was “Lake Clark”
Acrylic on canvas
Teri Lindseth, Anchorage
Acrylic on canvas
Kristin Link, Glennallen
Frozen Ocean Diptych
Cyanotype on paper
Emily Longbrake, Anchorage
River, Ridge, Range Columns
Birch plywood, thread
Shiela Mahaney, Anchorage
Abstract Ceiling
Giclee print
Klara Maisch, Fairbanks
Skull Peak
Oil on linen
Kimberly Marcucci, Anchorage
Acrylic and charcoal on canvas
Janelle Matz and Leslie Matz, Anchorage
Mermaid's Purse
Halibut skin, brass
Puanani Maunu, Juneau
Frozen Pond, Fish Creek
Oil on Masonite
Terry McBee, Soldotna
Spring Sojourn, A Study of Canada Geese in Black Walnut
Mark McDermott, Anchorage
Picking the Net
Kerby Mcghee, Anchorage
Hatcher Pass
Oil on canvas
Nancy McKay, Talkeetna
Mountain Series 4
Oil graphite pencil and oil pastel on paper
Amy Meissner, Anchorage
Birth Weight: 8lbs, 4oz
Linen, wool, nylon thread, stones
Jenny Irene Miller, Anchorage
Legs (self-portrait)
Digital inkjet print
Sharry Miller, Valdez
Coral Trio
Fused glass and acrylic on wood
M. Scott Moon, Kenai
McNeil River Sauna #2
Pigment inkjet print
Jennifer Moss, Fairbanks
Gouache, acrylic, graphite on canvas
Rachel Mulvihill, Fairbanks
Alaskan Landscape
Acrylic on canvas
Ree Nancarrow, Fairbanks
Habitat Loss, Plumage Mismatch
Monica O'Keefe, Anchorage
Ravens and Snowflakes are not Black and White
Acrylic on canvas
Austin Parkhill, Homer
'Rona Lisa Smile
Acrylic and graphite on board
David Personius, Fairbanks
Red-Necked Grebes
Wood and paint
Lisa Peter, Fairbanks
Glass Mask Bowl
Canvas with fused glass
David Pettibone, Homer
Summer of Fire
Oil on canvas
Tami Phelps, Anchorage
Acrylic, fiber, assemblage on cradleboard
Marji Plessinger, Fairbanks
Pipeline Gold
Acrylic and ink on canvas
Gail Priday, Fairbanks
Begin Again
Oil on canvas
MaryBeth Printz, Anchorage
When it is Time
Oil on canvas
Sonia Pullins, Anchorage
O’Malley Peak
Acrylic on canvas
Jay Reto, Anchorage
Mixed media
David Rosenthal, Cordova
Island in the Sun
Oil on linen
Kathryn Rousso, Ketchikan
Changing Directions
Waxed linen thread, beads, yellow cedar bark, round reed
Alexander ‘Sasha’ Sagan, Anchorage
Portrait of a Woman
Oil on canvas
Natalie Schuldt, Fairbanks
Lowbush Cranberries
Relief woodcut print
Jannah Sexton-Atkins, Anchorage
Prayer Marker: Shrine to Wetlands Habitat
Mixed media
Maria Shell, Anchorage
Mosh Pit @ the Golden
Erica Olive Shirk, Valdez
Tsunami and Earthquake Diptych
Woodblock print
Christine Smith, Anchorage
O'Malley at Dusk
Glass and copper
Kathy Smith, Homer
On the Root Glacier
Oil on linen
Mike Smith, Cordova
Scott Spooner, Anchorage
Wheat Grass Ghosts
Acrylic and foliage on canvas
Marianne Stolz, Fairbanks
Pondering Pond Scum
Kristy Summers, Anchorage
Mixed media
Iris Sutton, Fairbanks
Good Bear
Acrylic on canvas
Cody Swanson, Anchorage
Castle in a Talkeetna Mountain Valley
Ink on gelatin silver print
Sara Tabbert, Fairbanks
Acrylic on yellow cedar
Shoko Takahashi, Anchorage
Four Seasons
Screen print accordion book
Sharon Trager, Anchorage
Woman in Repose
Oil on collaged oil paper
Tim Troll, Anchorage
Noel Polty - Let's Dance
Acrylic on canvas
Tom Turner, Eagle River
Between Beluga Point and Bird Point
Archival inkjet print
Ronald Viol, Anchorage
Alien Seeds 2020
Natasha Webster, Anchorage
The Revolution
Acrylic and mixed media on canvas
Jacob Wilson, Anchorage
Graphite and mixed media on paper
Tamara Wilson, Fairbanks
Custom Cabinet
Wood and embroidery thread
Robert Winfree, Anchorage
Alaska in My Pocket - Pocket Paintings
Mixed media
Evelyn Wiszinckas, Kodiak
Encaustic on wood
Theresa Woldstad, North Pole
Navigating Ambiguous Waters
Mixed media
Douglas Yates, Ester
Medusa's Mirror
Archival inkjet print
M. Thompson, Anchorage
Westchester 2020
Collage on paper
Artem Zhdanov, Fairbanks
Dark Dimensions and Folk Tale Landscapes - Mountain King 3
Digital canvas print
Media Contacts
Leroy Polk
Communications Manager
Zakiya McCummings
Communications Manager
Hank Davis
Communications Manager, Lead Digital Content Creator