Filming at the Museum

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Commercial Filming Requests
Our Facility Rental department handles commercial filming requests, including projects such as advertisements, feature films, mainstream audience documentaries, music videos or any productions with a commercial purpose. It also includes requests to use the museum as a backdrop for interviews or other content unrelated to the museum or its collection. These requests are subject to location rental policies, availability, and applicable fees.

Museum-Focused Filming Requests
Requests to film for purposes that feature the museum as a visitor destination or highlight the museum’s collection (e.g., documentaries for educational platforms or tourism features) align with our mission and are reviewed by our Communications team. Such projects may be granted courtesy access, provided they support educational or cultural goals and adhere to our guidelines.

A Film & Photography Request form must be received at least two weeks in advance for consideration.

A script or filming plan must be submitted with storyboard or scene descriptions and production schedules noted before any request will be considered. 


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