
Somer Hahm

Somer Hahm Photo Credit Grace Wilson

Somer Hahm is a visual artist living and making work on the ancestral territories of the Tanana Dene Peoples, also known as Fairbanks, Alaska. She received a BFA from the University of Montana, Missoula in 2005 and an MFA, with an emphasis in painting and drawing, from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks in 2008. Hahm’s recent body of work is inspired by the wealth of the American Patchwork, and directly investigates through paint the aesthetic intricacies and imbued histories of patchwork quilts. Motivated to create community involvement and interest in public art, Somer founded the Far North Quilt Trail Project, with accessible site-specific artworks that have ultimately shaped and changed the visual landscape of our communities. A new American Folk Art movement, these large-scale geometric paintings of quilt block designs placed on the sides of barns and other buildings are now found nationwide.


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